
Archive for January, 2011

These babies are rich and creamy, smooth and luscious..just like Etta James. So give me a SunButter Kind of Love Fudge! This is definitely more than love at first sight, or bite. You remember Melanie and her son, Dylan from the infamous blueberry brownies..well, they’ve introduced me to sunbutter. So I’d like to thank them for this Sunday Kind of Love affair with sunbutter. This fudge is different, in many regards, from the peanut butter fudge. I may be Capt. Obvious here: it’s peanut-free! But it’s also gluten-free and tree nut-free.. so it’s über amenable to the allergy-laden peeps in your life. SunButter is made from sunflower seeds, and I find it gives this fudge (at least when it was still warm, hello..quality control, though not so much after they’ve cooled) a slight caramelesque flavor without being overtly sugary or sweet. And as with all kinds of love, it’s hard to have just one. It’s easily rich (like so many Sunday mornings), so you can’t really eat them back to back..but I certainly found myself listing back towards the fridge not 5 minutes after eating one to have another round 😉 Makes 24 mini-muffin sized bites.


3/4 C Earth Balance Vegan Butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 C Creamy SunButter
1.5 C powdered sugar, sifted


1. Melt EBVB over low heat in a medium sauce pan. While butter is melting, line a 24 mini-muffin tin with candy cups (like you use for peanut butter cups).
2. Once melted, remove from heat. Stir in vanilla and sunbutter.
3. Once blended, stir in sifted powdered sugar. Scoop fudge with small melon baller (or spoon) into the lined tin.
4. Place in fridge to chill overnight.

*Serve chilled. [They do soften at room temperature, to just slightly softer than the consistency of a PB cup filling..so just be aware. They have the consistency of fudge when chilled, the consistency of delicious filling when softened. Either way, they taste equally delicious 🙂 ]

Happy Baking!

On This Day In History: Whole Wheat Chapati

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