
Archive for September, 2010

Melanie is a dear, sweet friend of mine, who also happens to teach at Cherry Blossom Yoga. Her son, Dylan.. a growing lad of 17..likes his tasty goodness. And like any good mother, she prefers those tasty treats be healthy tasty goodness’s. Her first treat for the onset of school was the Chocolate Zucchini Cake in cuppie form. So now that I’ve returned to the land of plenty..well, the land of plenty hot – i.e. Houston TX – I can now return to that wonderful thing referred to by these innocent primates as ‘crack jam!’ Otherwise known as New Cannan Farms Blueberry Jam. And now that I have access to it anytime I like, I feel the need to exploit the blueberries in all their jammy-goodness glory. I altered this recipe a bit from that standard classic cookbook, Veganomicon.. using Hemp milk in place of soy, organic white whole wheat flour in place of AP, and Coconut oil in place of canola (thank you Melanie for that inspiration, of which you weren’t even aware! but when you asked if Coconut oil would be good in the Chocolate Zucchini cake, I just knew I had to try something with coconut oil..and it was time to accept my adulthood and move on to bigger and better oils. Now I just need to go back and make my lemon popper pies with Coconut oil in the crust, thank you Marika for that one!)…but I digress. This recipe makes 16 thick and delicious brownies (1 – 8X8 pan).


2/3 C plus 1/2 C semisweet vegan chocolate chips
10.7 oz blueberry jam (the original recipe called for 10 oz, but my jar was 10.7 oz)
1/4 C hemp milk (or other milk alternative)
1/2 C Demerara turbinado sugar
1/4 C granulated sugar
1/2 C canola, safflower, or coconut oil
2.5 tsp vanilla extract
1.5 C Organic White Whole Wheat flour
1/4 C unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt


1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Line 8X8 pan with parchment.
2. Melt the 2/3 C chocolate chips in a small saucepan over low heat (or in a double-boiler) – reserving the 1/2 C as whole chips. Use a rubber spatula to stir until melted. **If melting without a double-boiler, keep a close eye so as not to burn the chocolate. Remove from heat and let cool while you prepare everything else.
3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the jam, milk, sugars, oil, and extract. Mix by hand with a large, sturdy whisk (or wooden spoon), or use an electric mixer..but really, you don’t need any extra power beyond yourself – depending on the jam you use, of course.
4. Sift in the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Stir with wooden spoon until well mixed. **If you use a whisk, things could clump up inside of it..making it hard to lick the mixing apparatus, for quality control, when done.
5. Mix in the melted chocolate. Fold in the remaining 1/2 C chocolate chips. Spread the batter in the baking pan – you’ll have to spread it. It won’t be as runny as traditional “animal-filled” brownies, but it won’t be as thick as other vegan brownie recipes. And it will spread a little during baking, so it doesn’t need to be perfect going into the oven.
6. Bake for 45 minutes. You can do the poke test, but be aware the chocolate chips may make it appear as if it’s not done…so test wisely.

Serve to any growing athlete or hungry brownie-lover in your life. I apologize for the lack of cross-section photo..they were eaten too fast to get a cut shot! I suppose that means I’ll have to make them again..damn the bad luck 😉

Happy Baking!


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